Wednesday 17 May 2017

Make Your Own Cab Booking Software with Cyrus


Cab Booking Software Solutions - Cyrus eTraveledge is a distinctive solution for Cab Operators to offer a cab booking service on own cab booking engine. Its facilitate the cab operators to book and deal successfully. This is an online cab booking software which offers full control of the operator to connect the unlimited distributor/reseller with own cab booking portal and also permit online users to book the cab for any root all the time with just internet service.
Cab Booking Software

Our online cab booking engine is integrated with a cab booking API that sustain the user in cornering the best possible deal accessible for a particular destination as per the selection of the user. After the user area the cab booking engine will be redirected to the payment gateway integration.

This is a web based booking system with full control of the cabinets in your hands with access of internet capability.

We developed B2B & B2C cab booking software provides consistent and scalable solutions to all the cab operators.

The Primary Focus Areas of Our Cab Booking Engine are:
  • Rental Cab Online Reservation System
  • Cab Booking Engine
  • Taxi Bookings Online
  • Cab Supplier Integration
  • Channel Management
  • Online Booking Driven Cabs

Integration of Cab rental booking software with API isn’t just adding more obviousness to the Cab Booking Engine of your travel portal, but it also assists your customers have inventories of many Cab rental booking companies. The end result of our Cab rental booking software's API integration makes clients take smarter decisions by serving them pick inexpensive Cab booking services.

Key Features of our Cab Booking Service:
  • Solutions that are not region specific
  • Timeless concepts
  • Third Party API Integration
  • SEO & SMO Support
  • Own Inventory Reservation System
  • White Label Products for Cab rental booking software
  • Expert developers
  • Enhanced booking tools
  • Three tier architecture enabled admin module
We deal with B2B, B2C and also with B2B2C Cab rental booking systems

And more gains that will build your Cab rental booking engine the most consistent one!


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